Wednesday, January 26, 2011

it's 26's my 25th's republic day in india and it's australia day in australia (^.^)

salam to all

Alhamdulillah...setinggi2 kesyukuran sy panjatkan ke hadrat ilahi kerana masih memberi nikmat yg tak terhingga kepada diri ini....semoga semua sentiasa dibawah lindunganNYA...insyaAllah...

26 january's our 25th and my lovely twin,cik wani (^.^)

and what i like most in india during my birthday -----> it is a public holiday since 26january is india republic day...

so, since 4years i've been in india, 26 january is a special holiday for tak? takde la cool mane pon...hehe..but i'm loving it...kire specialnye menyambut birthday dekat india nihh...(^.^)

and since exam is just around the corner, so we just had a small celebration.....thanks to my special one for the lunch's lovely...simple but unforgettable moment since this is my last birthday celebration in india...bulan sept nie dh nk balik ke tanah air..insyaAllah =)

right after lunch, we went to garuda mall, since i've got 30 mins free reflexology massage at singapore reflexology spa there...they've called me the day before, wishing me an advanced happy birthday, and told me that they are giving me the free treat as my birthday present...waaaa.....sukenyeee..thank u..thank u...(^.^) The massage was quite relaxing along with the lemongrass's soothing..=)

and how about my twin in mesia? u must have had a great celebration darling.....=) insyaAllah, next year, we can celebbrate our birthday together....=)

and..i would like to convey my highest gratitude to papa and mama for the lovely phone call.....mama sang a birthday song for me..sgt merdu..hehe...thanks mama and papa..i luv u so muchh =)

and not to forget thanks so much to all my friends for the warm and lovely birthday wishes...may Allah bless all of us..insyaAllah..=)

and to my housemates....ainun and asz...thanks so much for the present....sgt cantekk..i love them vely vely much..hehe....nk tau tak doram bg ape? jeng jeng jeng....

donut? hehe..takkan la donut kot...saje je letak gmbr donut kegemaran i nih...hehe.

 thanks so much asz for the beautiful watch....suke sgtt =)

thanks ainun for the pretty necklace....makin bergaya la wana nanti..hehe....=)

itu la dia hadiah2 pemberian housemate tercinta.....cantek kan? hehe,x kisah la org ckp ape, janji saye sgt2 menyukai hadiah2 tersebut........=)

~thanks for reading =) ~

Sunday, January 16, 2011

OBSteTRIC and GYnaecoloGy posting..::

salam everyone..

OBG nie berkaitan dengan sakit puan..i think most of us knew rite !!! (^.^)

cuma kat msia, department nih dipanggil ONG...and in india, we called it as OBG...

i just finished my OBG posting last month...and  not many pics taken though...tapi xpe la ade la jugak few

 pictures sbg kenangan...mase nih one of our doctor will be shifted to other as a token of

appreciation, we would like to have pic of hers as a memory la kan....thanks a lot madam for all the

knowledges u've given to us..and sorry if we've created so much problems to u.....(^.^)

my lovely friends...=)

 from left : akma, picah,wana, ain and ija

 tu dia lakonan yg bejaya..heheh

pic with dr jothy......thanks a lot madam for being such a great lecturer =)

::: and not to forget -----) thanks for reading...(^.^)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

ramaiah campus..........(^.^)

salam semua....

a few weeks ago (if i'm not mistaken ), i managed to snap several piccas of ramaiah campus where the MSU international medical school (bangalore campus) was situated...

so korang boleh la tgk sndiri mcm mane rupe campus kat bangalore nih....layannnnn.. cuaca mmg best..sejuk.. tapi takde la terlalu sejuk mcm kat europe and tak jugak terlalu's pleasant and i just loved it..=)

new ramaiah hospital...cantek dan besar =)

cantek kan?

 ms ramaiah hospital , the new one...

night scenery

 ms ramaiah memorial hospital.....kat campus nih mmg byk hospital....cancer centre pon ade =)

:: thanks for reading....=) ::

Friday, January 14, 2011

another choice for breakfast......quick and healthy =)


  • 125 g brocolli
  • 100 g young spinach leaves
  • 6 eggs
  • 300ml semi skimmed milk
  • 2 tablespoons grated cheese
  • large pinch of ground nutmeg
  • oil for cooking 
  • salt and pepper


  • cut broccoli into small florets and thickly slice the stems
  • put in a steamer, set over boiling water, cover and cook for 3 minutes
  • add spinach and cook for 1 minute more until the spinach just wilted
  • beat the egg,milk,cheese,nutmeg,and a little salt and pepper together in a jug
  • divide the broccoli and spinach among the sections of a deep  lightly oiled 12-hole muffin tin and cover with the egg mixture just now
  • bake in a preheated oven, 190 degrees celcius, for about 15mins until lightly brown, well risen and the egg mixture has set.
  • leave in the tin for 1-2 minutes
  • then loosen the edges with a knife and turn out.. =)

now your healthy breakfast is can served this eggahs with 1 tablespoon of low-sugar baked beans. It will be more flavorsome...(^.^)

nutritional value:
  1. calories : 92
  2. protein : 6 gram
  3. carbohydrate  2 gram
  4. fat  5 gram

selamat mencuba buat semua.......cuba amalkan pemakanan yang sihat dan seimbang ok... peringatan untk diri sendiri jugak......(^.^) terima kasih sudi luangkan masa utk browse resepi tak seberape nih....=)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

smoothie breakfast....simple and tasty =)

salam kawan2 semua....

i promise dat i'll  putting up one of the breakfast menu particularly for those on diet...yang tak diet pon can try it out bcoz  it's healthy......To tell u the truth, diet is not merely about being wiry and pretty...What is more important is dat we shud be fit and healthy......right?

bile badan sihat otak pun cergas..
bile badan sihat, ibadah pon dapat dilaksanakan dengan lebih sempurna, insyaAllah...=)
bile badan sihat, nk buat aktivity seharian pon jadi lebih bersemangat......tak gtu kawan2..? (^.^)

ok, here it goess.........

smoothie breakfast...

  • 1mango, cut into cubes
  • 1 banana, cut into large chunks
  • 150mg fresh pineapple chunks
  • 1 kiwi fruit (slices) -----) kalau takde pon xpe
  • 500ml plain fat free or low-fat yogurt
  • 1 mug-full ice cubes
  • combine banana,mango,pineapple,kiwi,yogurt and icecubes in blender.
  • whiz until smooth and thick
  • pour into 4 tall glasses
  • seal and freeze it
  • to melt , microwave for 30-60 seconds and stir to blend 
 energy : about 300kcals.....
 cholestrol : 5mg
 saturated fat : 1 g
 protein : 11 g
 calcium: 300 mg
 fibre : 4 g
 carbohydrate : 54 g
 sodium: 241 mg

so, ape lagi kawan2....selamat mencuba smoothie breakfast nie.......sedap, lazat,mudah dan step ahead to improve your dietary plan for breakfast......don't try hard to skip meals, but be consistent in controlling the intake of the food ok.....insyaAllah , next time sy akan upload lebih byk menu berkhasiat ok....
----health is wealth...------ (^.^) arigato for reading.....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

kembali lagi...........hehehe...........jom singgah new delhi...

salam buat semua....

yehaaa..kite bjumpa lagi..alhamdulillah..

remember my last entry? i did mentioned about new delhi and here it goes...the sweet story of our vacation kat new delhi pulakk....sbenarnye yang sweet sb dapat bersama family of vacation takde lah sweet sgt pon...hohoho...;p

ok delhi oh new delhi....kami bertolak dari shimla ke new delhi agak awal juga memandangkan the journey may take more than 10 hours kalau bawa slow plus traffic congestion...and thinking about the hilly road and this bengkak bengkok thingy is enuff to set uneasiness in me...wohaaaa......dlm pikiran duk tebayang, temuntah lagi la haku jap lagi......tapi kali nie mcm tekad, walau apepon , nk tdo nyenyak2 dlm kereta and tamau bangun bile lalu jalan bengkak bengkok tue..hehe..and i did it..mmg tdo penuh khusyuk sekusyuk kusyuknya....cik wani pon saye tgk nyenyak tdo....syamin pon sama, siap sandar kat saye mcm bantal lagi...hehe...

after about 4 hours we were heading down from shimla, alhamdulillah we came about to an ordinary yet attracting, straight-looking road..haha....unsur-unsur mengarut sudah ade disitu...sebenarnya nk ckp sgt lega jumpe jalan lurus walopon mmg berdebu sume tue..=)

And On the way to new delhi, we stopped nearby a garden...if i'm not mistaken the name was yadavindra gardens, pinjore...pinjore was actually quite far away from delhi bcoz the distance between these two places was about 300 kms..mmg jauh.....after all, the garden was not dissapointing...far way better from lalbagh garden kat bangalore......we had our lunch here....indian cuisine was the la kan..kat india mmg la makanan india takkan makanan italy kott...makanan best walaupun hrga mahal sket......the restaurant was cozy  and the ambience was the cool weather..what a perfect combination...haha..ok kan dh jadi tue kene kasi share sikit kat saye.....=)

kat new delhi pulak.,kiteorang visit red fort and jama' masjid...

mase kat red fort nie, rase mcm org gile shopping kat dlm tue,rase semua kedai nk singgah, rase semua brg nk beli, rase semua duit org nk kebas..haha..yg nih tak betul la, takkan nk kebas duet org..isk2, apelah cik wana nih...duet tue kebas duet sendiri la.....saye nih baik, jangan risau, saya tak kebas duet org...=p

bazaar kat dlm red fort nih best sgt..kenape takde bazaar mcm nih kt bangalore..uwaaaa.....handbag manik2 yang cun2 tue sgt murah.....accesories mcm gelang sume tue pon murah.....nk pegi red fort..tolong2, bawa saya ke red fort lagi untuk kali ke2,3,4 dan kalau next time nk pegi kene pastikan kocek penuh dengan duet kertas dan bukannya duet syiling.....

kat dlm red fort nie jugak ade taman yang mcm kat mcm kt western country....cantek jugakk.....dengan benches sume, huge trees.,the blue skies, tame chipmunks...ok kan dh jadi promoter lagik sekali...=p
indah sgt ciptaan Allah...patutlah kita nih digalakkan merantau..lagi byk kita merantau, lagik terbuka mata kita nih nk hayati keindahan dan canteknya alam ciptaan Allah...besarnye kekuasaan Allah....dari sekecil-kecil ciptaaan DIA sehingga ke sebesar-besar ciptaanNYA....semuanya sempurna, takde cacat cela......sama2 kita fikirkan ye kawan2 semua....semoga kita sentiasa menjadi org yg selalu bersyukur tau...(^.^)

lepas red fort, kami melawat jama' masjid pulak......tersergam masjid nih..besar dan indah rumah ibadat untuk menghadap yang maha ESA.....there were lots of people went in and out probably to see what it is inside....kiteorg melawat sekeliling masjid....unik jugak masjiid nie....kat tengah2 tue ade byk merpati tengah makan....kalau you all dtg delhi, dun forget to come here ok....tengok mcm mane reka bentuk islam yang unique and distinctive....there are four arches in jama's masjid and each of them has its own tue budak tourist guide tue ade cite psl history2 jama' masjid, tapi saya mcm dh agak lupe sikit2..tapi ade la kaitan dengan kisah shah jahan dan mumtaz mahal jugak......

ok, cite bukan maen berjela-jela, sekarang mari kite layan gmbar yang berjela-jela....hehe..ok zasssss.....

at pinjore garden....

bergambar depan restaurant yang saya promote td.hehe

tgh excited pilih food......=)

pinjore garden yg cun.....

 pandang-pandang jeling-jeling..hehe

dua manusia comel depan red fort.......rase nk tmuntah....;p

gambar kat red fort tak byk since sume xcited shopping.....=)

red fort

 jama' masjid....

canteknye burung-burung terbang.....

me and cik wani jama' masjid

our beloved families.....

cantek dan indahnya makhluk ciptaan Allah.....

miss pandai posing.....

 red fort from outside..

bukan main aku duk khusyuk dgr budak tue explain....

 mama tersayang.....muah mama....


mari2 pilih makanan sodap2.....

aku yang khusyuk lagi....

with my lil bro....peace time nk balik..hehe

 model-model tak berbayar.......=p


ok ini gmbr sorang2....=)

 tempat wuduk kat jama' masjid...

masih mampu mengukir senyuman indah time pakai kasut......ok poyo..haha...

pinjore garden....

inside the mosque.....camita, cik wani, cik wana....

ok itu dia gmbr berjela-jela..mesti ade yang tertido..hehe...........sampai cni dlu utk kali entry , i'll be putting up menu for breakfast sesuai utk org yg nk diet.......very easy, very tasty, and less time consuming..apekah ia? sila tunggu.......ok papai..thanks for readinggg....=)


Our UK trip will incomplete if we didnt come to Manchester.  The main purpose of us coming to the UK was to visit my twin sister who is ...