Wednesday, January 26, 2011

it's 26's my 25th's republic day in india and it's australia day in australia (^.^)

salam to all

Alhamdulillah...setinggi2 kesyukuran sy panjatkan ke hadrat ilahi kerana masih memberi nikmat yg tak terhingga kepada diri ini....semoga semua sentiasa dibawah lindunganNYA...insyaAllah...

26 january's our 25th and my lovely twin,cik wani (^.^)

and what i like most in india during my birthday -----> it is a public holiday since 26january is india republic day...

so, since 4years i've been in india, 26 january is a special holiday for tak? takde la cool mane pon...hehe..but i'm loving it...kire specialnye menyambut birthday dekat india nihh...(^.^)

and since exam is just around the corner, so we just had a small celebration.....thanks to my special one for the lunch's lovely...simple but unforgettable moment since this is my last birthday celebration in india...bulan sept nie dh nk balik ke tanah air..insyaAllah =)

right after lunch, we went to garuda mall, since i've got 30 mins free reflexology massage at singapore reflexology spa there...they've called me the day before, wishing me an advanced happy birthday, and told me that they are giving me the free treat as my birthday present...waaaa.....sukenyeee..thank u..thank u...(^.^) The massage was quite relaxing along with the lemongrass's soothing..=)

and how about my twin in mesia? u must have had a great celebration darling.....=) insyaAllah, next year, we can celebbrate our birthday together....=)

and..i would like to convey my highest gratitude to papa and mama for the lovely phone call.....mama sang a birthday song for me..sgt merdu..hehe...thanks mama and papa..i luv u so muchh =)

and not to forget thanks so much to all my friends for the warm and lovely birthday wishes...may Allah bless all of us..insyaAllah..=)

and to my housemates....ainun and asz...thanks so much for the present....sgt cantekk..i love them vely vely much..hehe....nk tau tak doram bg ape? jeng jeng jeng....

donut? hehe..takkan la donut kot...saje je letak gmbr donut kegemaran i nih...hehe.

 thanks so much asz for the beautiful watch....suke sgtt =)

thanks ainun for the pretty necklace....makin bergaya la wana nanti..hehe....=)

itu la dia hadiah2 pemberian housemate tercinta.....cantek kan? hehe,x kisah la org ckp ape, janji saye sgt2 menyukai hadiah2 tersebut........=)

~thanks for reading =) ~


  1. happy belated besday cik wana syg :)
    suke bc entry nie,penuh kegembiraan gtu..hehe..muahhh..mis u so much!!^_^
    may ALLAH bless u dear~

  2. hehe..thanks darling....may Allah bless us ..i miss u more..=)



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